Project Management

This is the final step in the editorial process, where your story is polished, published, and publicized. Below are guides on everything from creating eye-catching visuals and graphics to understanding OCCRP’s publishing process, and tips on how to promote your work on social media. In today’s crowded media landscape, these are crucial to making your story stand out.

We've learned (the hard way) that running a large project can get messy. Here's a list of things you should be thinking about as you begin work, and a checklist for you to keep your project on track. 

OCCRP Project Checklist

Tips on Project Management

Here are some additional tips and tricks from some of OCCRP's most experienced project managers -- people who really have learned the hard way!

When bringing new partners into a project, we often use an MoU like this to cement our agreement. 

MOU Model 2.0.docx