From the OCCRP Editorial Desk Resources for Journalists

Everything you need to know (plus a little more) about getting your story published with OCCRP.

Hello from OCCRP's team of editors!

You are doing brilliant reporting across the world, and we want to help you turn it into readable, clear, and well-presented stories that have an impact.

Doing that isn't always easy. In fact, it can be pretty painful. But when the editorial process goes well, we get the reward of seeing years' worth of reporting from dozens of countries often about highly complex topics brought together into a compelling narrative that gets its point across like a laser beam.

Since investigative stories are complicated and challenging, our editorial process has more steps than you might be accustomed to. We want you to understand exactly how it works to get a story published at OCCRP, and why we have the systems we do.

This page brings together several guides we've written — on pitching, editing, and fact-checking — along with other editorial resources we've compiled for our own team over the years.

If you have a question or need help with anything, please email our coordinating editor,, or the head of our team of core editors,

So you've got a great story idea.
How do you get it approved?

You've done your reporting and filed your story.
What happens then?

Are you ready to be tortured?

Are you getting a project started? Here are a few things to think about.

Here are a few other documents and links that might make your life easier.